Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This is My Obligatory Thanksgiving Post.

I really hate Thanksgiving sap.  And Christmas sap.  And Valentine's Day sap.  And rom-com sap.  And that Folger's commercial with the young man coming home for the holidays.  And tree sap.

Maybe I'm just an ungrateful bitch.  Or maybe contrived sentiment just makes me want to puke.

There are, however, some things I am very happy to have:

  • Caffeine, which gets me through most days murder-charge-free.
  • My microwave, which is my second favorite enabler.
  • My mother's pity for me and my lack of cooking skills. (I.e., leftovers.)
  • Netflix, my first favorite enabler.
  • My Sister the Lawyer not killing me when my phone's evil alter ego answered her calls seven consecutive times while simultaneously scrolling through every option and screen the phone has to offer--all while on key lock in my purse.
  • This:

  • And the fact that you read this blog even though I'm mental.

(True:  In the above poem, there really should be a semicolon, not a comma.)


  1. I used to have that glow worm poem in my office. makes it hard for grumpy kids to maintain their sulky glares. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving in spite of your dislike of all things sappy. It's a holiday entirely surrounding food, so that's good, right?

    1. And leftovers! And football! (It's a great holiday.)

  2. I think "contrived" is the key here. I agree about the sap. Genuine sentiment is okay in teeny tiny doses. With LOTS of alcohol thrown in. :D

    1. EXACTLY. Put a few beers in teeny tiny me, and I become a absolute, genuine sap!

  3. On an unrelated note, you should check out the Pintester, if you haven't already. She basically tests out popular pins from pinterest with varying levels of effort. (sometimes not with all the right ingredients, but who cares?) And then she writes about the results and posts hilarious pictures.

    1. Oooh, I've seen it! (But not recently; I have catching up to do.) She is awesome. :D
